We supposed to have a BELL class for the third time just now,
But our lect still not showing his/her face in front of us..
meaning, didn't come.
So, we (Anis and I) decided to go back to my college, SMK (SiManja Kini) for helping Anis doing her works in blogging.
A blog that was asking by en.Malik since last week with the title, History of Computer.
But I still didn't understand, why my classmate especially boys still doing nothing.
I so wonder why??
he actually gave that task last week and they actually had a long time to do his task..
Bukannya copy paste student girls punya idea..
Ahh! that's not my problem..the most important thing is i've done mine!! yeahhh..
Dalam sibuk2 tengah wat blog 2, ade kawan plak ajak gi library,
Tapi xbleh nak pegi coz kol 9 pm nak pegi tengok 'gig' kat kolej Intan.
hahaha..bezla jugak performance diowang..
Yang group pompuannye aku xingat plak name..yg laki group name Khalifah.
Dah agak2 kol 10 lebih, 'gig' 2 pown berakhir..aku pown dah lapar tyme 2, terus jew pegi gerai burger yang berhampiran..
tapi manusia yang jual burger 2 betul2 wat kiteowang panas..blom agi kol 11 dah nak tutup gerai..
Huhh,kebulur jela malam nie..cume dapat beli 2 sosej dengan sos black paper nye yang bagi aku memang pahit gilew! eeuuww..
Pas2 terus balik bilik and baru jew kejap tadi ade meeting for wing 2B.
Esok kami budak-budak part 1 memang bz rasenye..ade yang pilih2 persatuan and kelab 2,
ape ea die panggil, mpkp?? ye kot..blueh!!aku pown lupe..
Wednesday, we have meeting with the MPP kat DST, if I not mistaken..
semuanya aku x sure coz akak wing cap, kak emma cakap laju sangat..
k la that's all for today..
Salam and nite everybody..
xoxo, Masturah Abd.
Bawah nie semua gambar mase tengah tengok 'gig' 2..
Semuanya gelap kerana my hp xde disediakan 'flash' apabila setiap kali gambar diambil..
Mungkin harganya mahal kerana ada 3G.
Tapi x guna gak, coz di sini langsung xde line 3G.
Jadi,kesimpulannya, hp Nokia 3100 pun ok gak!!
Saya tertanya2 kenapa gambar 'artis' tidak di ambil yer??
i miss u la..
nnt minta ayh tukar hp baru k..
miss u too..
ok!ko ckpkan ar..
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